The Options menu

Text Box:             ERPWAVELAB

Developed by Morten Mørup


Make Figure

ch x fr x tim: Generates a separate figure containing the current montage plot

Headplot: Generates a separate figure containing the current head plot. If a splinefile is specified a 3-D head plot will be given.

Show Wavelet

Displays the wavelet used to generate the current ERPWAVELAB dataset. To learn how to generate ERPWAVELAB dataset, consult the ERPWAVELAB tutorial.

Display channel locations

Shows where each channel is located on the scalp.

Optimize Ram Usage

When checked, ERPWAVELAB uses as little amount of RAM as possible, this is especially useful when analysing the ERPCOH. However, when optimizing the ram usage some of the functions of ERPWAVELAB work slower.

Phase Coherence

When checked, use ITPC and ERPCOH as measures of coherence. For details on these measures see the ERPWAVELAB article.

Linear Coherence

When checked, use ITLC and ERLCOH as measures of coherence.

For details on these measures see the ERPWAVELAB article.

Amplitude Correlation

When checked the button for  ERPCOH/ERLCOH is replaced with the option to calculate AmpCorr, i.e. the amplitude correlation. The amplitude correlation measures how correlated the amplitudes of each epoch at a given channel—frequency-time is to the amplitude of another channel –frequency—time point. When ‘Use all’ is selected, the correlation is calculated for each dataset separately and the weighted average of the correlations (weighted by number of epochs in each dataset) is given. Note, confidence can in the current version of ERPWAVELAB not be calculated for this measure.

Reject ERPCOH phase of 0 and 180 degrees

Test the ERPCOH measure for phase values being 0 and 180 degree using Von Mises Statistics based on approximation by Upson (1970), see Mardia, K.V and Jupp, P.E “Directional Statistics”, 1999 page 122. Significance level is given as  specified by the user, see also  Acessing Significance. When checked, ERPCOH values that are not significantly different from 0 and 180 degrees are set to zero.